Joke of Islamic information or Islamic researchers causes

doubt. Any individual who swears at or tears down an Islamic

researcher will turn into a skeptic and a defector. Fisq or bid'at

(with respect to a researcher) makes it important to take an abhorrence to

him. However hating him for common considerations is corrupt. So

is the situation with disdaining sâlih (devout) Muslims. Rasûlullah 'sallAllâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam' states in the accompanying hadîth-I-sherîfs:

"Three things increment the flavor of conviction: adoring Allâhu ta'âlâ

furthermore, His Prophet more than all the other things; cherishing a Muslim for

the purpose of Allâhu ta'âlâ however he may not adore you; and

disdaining foes of Allâhu ta'âlâ." And "The most important

love is adoring for Allâhu ta'âlâ 'Hubb-I fillâh' and

despising for Allâhu ta'âlâ 'Bughd-I fillâh'." It is

important to cherish more a Devotee who performs more venerates

than a less Devotee love ('ibâdat). It is

fundamental not to despise more the skeptics who rebel more

furthermore, who spread erring (fuhsh) and skepticism. Among the ones

which are important to disdain for Allâhu ta'âlâ, the

man's own nafs starts things out. To adore them means to be in their

way and to impersonate their methodologies. The indication of conviction is cherishing

for Allâhu ta'âlâ (Hubb-I fillâh) and despising for the

purpose of Allâhu ta'âlâ (Bughd-I fillâh). Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu

'alaihi wa sal-lam' states in the accompanying hadîth-I-sherîfs:

"Allâhu ta'âlâ has a few slaves. They are not prophets. Prophets

also, saints will begrudge them upon the arrival of Rising 'Qiyâmat'. They

are Devotees who live far away from one another however they love

each other for Allâhu ta'âlâ despite the fact that they don't

know one another," and "In the Great beyond, everyone will be with

their loved ones on the planet." On the off chance that they don't follow the

way directed by those whom they guarantee to adore, their affection will not

be valid. One ought to be companions with devout individuals in whom one

genuinely trusts terms of confidence and fidelity. Jews and Christians

say that they love their prophets. Be that as it may, since they are not

following their way and, all things being equal, following some unacceptable ways

composed by the Jewish strict specialists (hahams) and

clerics, they won't be along with their prophets in the following

world. Far more detestable, they will push off. The book Proved unable

Answer distributed by Hakikat Kitabevi makes sense of subjects

concerning and Christians inside and out. Grand spirits draw in

individuals they love up toward profound levels. On the other hand, lower

spirits draw in them down to bring down levels. An individual can

comprehend where his soul will pursue his demise by looking to

his companions in this present reality. An individual loves someone else

either on account of his tendency or in light of the fact that his thinking ('aql)

expects him to adore that individual or because of the kindnesses

he got from him or for Allâhu ta'âlâ. Spirits of

individuals who love each other on the planet draw in one another.

Additionally, they will likewise draw in one another in the following scene. Enes

container Malik 'radiy-Allâhu 'anh' states that no news made Muslims

more joyful than did the news announced in the hadîth-I-sherîf cited

above. The individuals who love doubters will get lost with them.

One can't resist the urge to follow the way directed by an individual one

loves. The most grounded indication of one's caring somebody is to adore what

he loves and aversion those things he could do without.


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