1) 'Aqeedah: Significance and Utilization
百leword 'aqeedah and related words are constant1y rehashed by
individuals in their regular discussions. So we hear them saying"'Ana
a 'taqid kadha (1 accept such and such),""Foolaan 'aqeedatuhu
~asanah (This and that 's conviction is sound),In Islam, 'aqeedah is the matter of knowledge. The Muslim must believe in his heart and have faith and conviction, with no doubts or misgivings,""The Islamic 'aqeedah is the
S仕ongestcause for the incomparable Islamic triumphs in like clockwork and
place,""The battle among us and the Jews is as a matter of fact a philosophical
W訂(加rb'aqaa 'idiyah, etc.
What really do individuals mean by the word 'aqeedah (confidence)? What does血is
word mean in Arabic? wh剖 isthe idea of 'aqeedah (confidence) in
'Aqaa 'id (pl町 alof 'aqeedah)紅 ethe things which individuals' hearts
affmn and accept in, the things that they acknowledge (as佐ue).百lese訂 e
matters which are held as certain beliefs, with no阻血tof doubt.1
'Aqd al-~abl (tying the rope) implies tying one p訂 tto another p町 t,as
gone against to loosening it. In Arabic, the implications of the word 'aqd
spin around thoughts of adherence, assurance and affmnation.百lereis
aayah (section) in the Qur'an:
1 Risaalat al-'Aqaa 'id by Shaykh l:Iasan al-Banna. See Majmoo' ar-Rasaa 'I/, 429.
百leMuslim researchers of prior and late times have examined the issues of this
part of information under the heading of computer based intelligence 'Aqaa 'id, albeit the word
'aqeedah isn't referenced in that frame of mind of Allah or in the Sunnah of His
~Allah won't rebuff you for what is accidental in
your oaths, however He wi1l rebuff you for your conscious
pledges ['aqqadtum ];..) (Qur 'a 5: 8の
A conscious promise is one in which there is resolve and assurance in
the heart, dissimilar to an accidental promise which might be talked about
with no goal.
'Uqood alludes to the most grounded of covenants, as when Allah
~O' you who accept! Satisfy [your] commitments [awfoo
bi'[-'明ood]..) (Qur 'a 5: 1)
The Middle Easterners say "a 'taqadaαsh-shayν, when a thing becomes strong
what's, areas of strength for more?
In Islam, 'aqeedah (conviction) is the counte中artof shari'ah, in light of the fact that
Islam is created ofboth "αqeedα,h and shari'ah.Shari'ah implies the
viable obligations urged by Islam, about acts ofworship and dealings
with others.
2) 'Aqeedah involves Information in the Heart
'Aqeedα,h is certainly not a pragmatic ma仕er,but a question of information which
the Muslim is obliged to have faith in his heart, on the grounds that Allah has told
him about these issues in His Book or through the Disclosure to His
Courier (鑑).
The fundamental standards ofthe 'aqeedah Allah orders us to have faith in
are referenced in the aayah (stanza):
2 Lisaan a/ - 'Arab, 2/836, posting of words derived企omthe root 'aqada.
μ i)o;以以ご3fUふμ 必4仰 J
受⑫ 44ftiロ〆61;;Z47弘己1r;
~The Courier [Muhammad] trusts in what has been
sent down ωhim企omhis Lord, and [so do] the
devotees. Every one trusts in Allah, His Angels, His
Books, and His Couriers. [They say] ,'We make no
qualification between each other of His Couriers' -
and血eysay,'We hear, and we comply. [We seek] Your
forgiveness, 0町 Lord,and to You is the return [ofall].ゆ
(Qur 'a 2: 285)
百leProphet (鑑)defined this faith in the popular hadith of Jibreel
(Gabriel) (紗)(may Allah's tranquility be upon him), in which he (趣)
"Eemaan (confidence) is to have faith in Allah, His angels, His
Books, the Gathering with Him and His Messengers, and
to trust in the last Revival. ,,
So 'aqeedah in Islam alludes to those questions of information which
have been仕'ansmittedin true reports企omAllah and His
Messenger, and which the Muslim should have faith in with all his heart,
having faith in what Allah and His Courier say.
3) ~Aqeedah implies Specific Belief, with no Space for Uncertainty
For these standards to frame 'aqeedah, we should trust in
them firmly, with no space for uncertainty. Assuming there is any component of doubt,
then, at that point, they are just speculation, not 'aqeedah (conviction). "Al-Mu 'jam
al-Waseet" characterizes 'aqeedah as a beliefin which the person who holds
3 Bukhari. See $a}Jee}J a/ - Bukhari bi Shar.争ihiFath al・Baari,11114; Muslim, 1139,
hadiぬ nO.5.百 isversion is described by Muslim.
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