Compassion toward FÂSIQS

  Compassion toward FÂSIQS

An individual who commits illegal deeds (harâms) outrageously

is called 'fâsiq', and the wrongdoing carried out hence is called 'fisq'. The

most terrible "fisq" is to commit mistreatment (zulm). For, it is

executed straightforwardly and furthermore includes the freedoms of people.

The fifty-seventh and hundred and fortieth âyat-I-kerîmas of

Sûra Âl-I-'Imrân of the Qur'ân al-kerîm indicate: "... Allâhu

ta'âlâ loveth not the individuals who foul up (zâlimûn)." A hadîth-isherîf peruses: "To supplicate that a despot will live lengthy means to wish

rebellion to Allâhu ta'âlâ." When Sufyân-I-Sawrî

'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ' was inquired, "A despot (zâlim) is going to

die of thirst in the desert. Will we give him water?" he

answered, "No, don't." On the off chance that a dictator got the house he is residing in

via blackmail, it is harâm to go into the house. Humble

conduct displayed towards an individual who is fâsiq, however not

zâlim, will cost 66% of one's confidence. This reality could be a

adequate benchmark for rating the monstrosity of modesty towards

an individual who is zâlim (simultaneously). It is harâm to kiss a

zâlim's hand or to bow before him. These demonstrations are jâiz

(admissible) when the individual concerned is 'âdil (just). Abû

'Ubayda container Jerrâh kissed Hadrat 'Umar's hand 'radiy-Allâhu

'anhumâ'. Visiting and remaining in the place of an individual who

brings in the vast majority of his cash by taboo means isn't passable.

Lauding such an individual with words or by some other demonstration is

illegal. It would simply be admissible to go by him to

save oneself or another person from his abuse. While in his

presence, one should not lie and acclaim him. In the event that one thinks that he

could acknowledge exhortation, one might prompt him. In the event that a despot visits you,

then, at that point, it would be admissible to set up to meet him. Be that as it may

it would be better in the event that you don't set up to show offensiveness

of his persecution and worth (izzat) of Islam. On the off chance that the circumstances

license, you might exhort him. It is in every case better to avoid

despots and oppressors. It is expressed in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "Don't

say 'sir' as you talk with a munâfiq." It is a demonstration of doubt to

show veneration to a doubter or to a zâlim, to welcome them with

adoration, or to address them with articulations of respect.

Recognizing a skeptic or saying phrases like, "My

expert" or hello him consciously causes skepticism.

Whoever rebels against Allâhu ta'âlâ is known as a fâsiq. Those

who make others agitator and cause spreading of fisq are called

fâjir. The miscreant who is known to commit illegal

activities (harâms) ought not be adored. Adoring the people who spread

bid'ats and the people who are known for mistreating others is a wrongdoing. It

is expressed in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "While individuals have the capacity to

stop the 'fisq' of a delinquent 'fâsiq', if nobody stops him, Allâhu ta'âlâ

will rebuff every one of them in this world and in the following." 'Umar canister

'Abdul'Azîz 'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ' said, "Allâhu ta'âlâ doesn't

rebuff others when somebody commits illegal activities

'harâms' yet when some of them commit taboo activities

transparently and others noticing them don't stop them, then He will

rebuff every one of them." Allâhu ta'âlâ uncovered to prophet Yûsha'

'alaihis-salât-u-wa-s-salâm': "I will torture 40,000

devout individuals among your ummat alongside 60,000 corrupt

(fâsiq) ones!" When Yûsha' entreated, "Yâ Rabbî (O Ruler)!

Miscreants merit the discipline however what is the justification for

rebuffing the devout?" Allâhu ta'âlâ replied, "They wouldn't

go along with Me in My Fury (towards heathens). They would prefer to eat

with them." If doing amr al-ma'rûf to people who strayed from

the correct way and to oppressors would cause affectation or damage

to your self, to your family and to the Muslims as a rule, then it

ought not be finished. In such occurrences, your heart's antipathy for

them will do the trick. Similar applies to heathens, i.e., revultion felt

towards the people who commit illegal activities transparently (fâsiqs). It

is important to prompt them in a mild-mannered way with delicate and

sweet words.

In the event that an individual performs demonstrations of love and furthermore commits

illegal activities transparently, i.e., commits "fisq," he will be marked

as indicated by the activities he accomplishes more. If these two antonymous

acts balance out in an individual's evident direct, then, at that point, he ought to be

treated with the compassion that he merits because of his demonstrations

of love and simultaneously get the threat which his fisq

brings about. It degenerates on the state authorities to forestall those individuals

who advance fisq.

[An individual who complies with the Sharî'at and joins his heart to a

murshid to satisfy Allâhu ta'âlâ, is a devout

individual (sâlih). An individual who has satisfied Allâhu ta'âlâ and

achieved His affection, is known as a 'Walî'. What's more, a Walî who guides others

so they likewise ought to accomplish the adoration for Allâhu ta'âlâ, is known as a

Murshid. Islam depends on three fundamentals: 'ilm (information);

'amal (practice); ikhlâs (doing something just to satisfy Allâhu

ta'âlâ). Islamic information comprises of two parts: strict

information and logical information. Strict information does

not descend like a pear tumbling down from the tree to one's

head. It is gained from the words, activities, ways of behaving or works

of a genuine enlightener (murshid). As Judgment day (Qiyamat)

approaches, the genuine enlightener won't be found anyplace and

uninformed, lying, the evil strict men of power will increment

in number. They won't endeavor to procure love of Allâhu ta'âlâ;

all things being equal, they will attempt to bring in cash, positions, posts, and distinction.

They will approach rich endlessly individuals who involve positions

what's more, posts. One ought to peruse the books of the notable "Ahl assunna researchers" in case one ought to succumb to such lowlifes and to accomplish

timeless happiness.]


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