Deception (NIFAQ)
Deception (NIFAQ)
Deception (nifâq) or discord is an individual's deep down being not quite the same as
what he claims to be. At the point when an individual who has doubt in his
heart says he is a Devotee with his discourse, his activity is strict
deception. On the off chance that an individual who has the enmity in his heart imagines
fellowship with his way of behaving, this would be a common lip service.
The most terrible sort of incredulity is strict pietism. The head of
the posers of the city of Madina was Abdullah container Salûl.
At the point when they saw the triumph of Muslims at the Badr war, they
maintained themselves as Muslims. Yet, they didn't accept
through their souls. Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam'
expressed the accompanying impugning: "The people who are amicable in
words and antagonistic in conduct towards Muslims: May they be
damned in the perspective on Allâhu ta'âlâ and holy messengers!" Another
hadîth-I-sherîf peruses: "A faker has three signs: he lies, he does
not stay faithful to his obligation, and he disregards the trust displayed to him." A
individual of this kind is a faker regardless of whether he says he is a Muslim
what's more, regardless of whether he performs "salât" supplication
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