Dismissal OF A Reason

  Dismissal OF A Reason

Dismissing a reason shown by a Muslim is makrûh[1]. It is

expressed in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "It is a wrongdoing not to acknowledge a reason

shown by your Muslim Sibling." Tolerating pardons and

neglecting deficiencies are Properties of Allâhu ta'âlâ. Allâhu ta'âlâ

will be furious towards a not individual adjust to

these Traits, and He will torture him. There are three different ways

of showing pardons. The primary way is to regret, saying, "For what reason did I do

so," or to account for yourself, saying, "I did as such for this (or that)

reason." The subsequent way is to apologize, saying, "I wish I hadn't

done as such," or "Indeed, I did as such, yet I will not do so in the future." The third

way is to deny what you have done. Saying "I did it however I will not

rehash it," would be tawba. A Devotee will hang tight for a reason

[1] Conduct loathed by the Prophet 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam'.

to be displayed to excuse the guilty party. Scoundrels need

others' flaws to be uncovered. Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa

sal-lam' states in the accompanying hadîth-I-sherîfs: "You ought to be

virtuous. Try not to commit monstrous things. Additionally, make your spouses

modest." And "Assuming that you yourselves are pure, your spouses will likewise

be pure. Assuming you are thoughtful to your folks, your kids will likewise

be caring to you. An individual who doesn't acknowledge a reason of

another Muslim won't hydrate from the Kawthar lake in

the Great beyond 'Âkhirat'." This hadîth-I-sherîf concerns the

Muslim who doesn't realize that his Muslim sibling committed

a shrewd activity and furthermore he doesn't realize that his reason is obviously false.

For dismissing his reason would mean sû-I-zan about another

Muslim." Tolerating his reason in spite of the fact that you realize that he is

lying means to excuse him. It isn't to Excuse in such cases

mandatory (wâjib); yet it is a commendable demonstration (mustahab), (which

yields much thawâb).


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