Giving ill-advised names to a Muslim or considering a Muslim an
ill-advised name given by others isn't passable. Rasûlullah
'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam' states in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "A
individual who has an ill-advised name ought to transform it to a decent
name." For instance, the name 'Âsiya' should be supplanted with
'Jamîla'. Giving decent names to Muslims is allowable.
Kids ought not be given eulogistic names like Rashîd
also, Amîn. Names like Muhyiddîn or Nûruddîn would be
imaginary and neulogistic (bid'at). It is a demonstration of makrûh to call
delinquents, dolts and backsliders with names of this sort,
which are eulogistic and commendatory. Nor might they at any point be utilized in their
non-literal subsenses. Some (Islamic researchers) communicated their
derivations concerning the vindicability of giving such names to your
kids for being honored with the propitious undertones
inborn in their implications. It is allowable and valuable to utilize
these names for those researchers who are prestigious for their devotion.
[Renowned researcher Ibn al-Âbidîn 'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ' states in
the fifth fascicle of his book Radd-ul-Muhtâr that the best and
most legitimate names for Muslim kids are Abdullah, then
Abdurrahman, then Muhammad, then, at that point, Ahmad and afterward Ibrâhîm
in the request for need. It is likewise reasonable to give names of
Allâhu ta'âlâ like Alî, Rashîd, 'Azîz. Notwithstanding, names of this
level will have be expressed with due worship. An individual who
intentionally shows affront while referencing these names
turns into a doubter. For instance, saying "Abdulkoydur"
rather than Abdulqâdir, or "Hasso" rather than Hasan, or "Ibo"
rather than Ibrâhîm would be debasing these names. Despite the fact that
saying these words wouldn't cause skepticism when one doesn't
expect to corrupt them, trying not to utilize such words is better
which would come close to doubt. In the event that a kid bites the dust following
birth, it ought not be covered without giving a name. Despite the fact that
the name 'Abdunnabî is admissible, utilizing it is better not.
Hadrat Sayyid Abdulhakîm Arwâsî 'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ'
taught for a quarter century after late evening supplication each
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Bayazid mosque in Istanbul
until he died in the year 1362 hijrî qamarî, [1943 A.D.]
During one of his teaches he expressed: "A kid has three rights on
his folks: giving a Muslim name upon entering the world; instructing him
perusing/composing, information ('ilm), and creates after coming to the
time of tact; and wedding him when he arrives at the period of
adolescence." A few ruffian individuals in Europe and America are
brought up in a skeptical and non-moral way and are given phony
confirmations and insightful titles and afterward shipped off Islamic nations.
These uninformed disbelivers are delegated to secondary schools and
colleges as instructors or teachers. They trap Muslim kids
with their situation and make them skeptical and nonmadhhabite. These youngsters affected by them effectively become
killers and backstabbers. Those guardians who send their children and
little girls to these schools are tossing their youngsters to the Damnation
with their own hands.]
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