NOT THINKING Significantly, NOT Contemplating

  NOT THINKING Significantly,

NOT Contemplating

An individual ought to ponder his wrongdoings and apologize for themselves and

ponder his adores and thank for them. He ought to likewise

consider about incredibly lovely and sensitive expressions and frameworks

also, their connections to one another on his own body as well as on

different animals to see the value in the significance of Allâhu

ta'âlâ. The entirety of all animals and different creatures are called

world ('âlam).

["'Âlam" comprises of three sections, 'âlam-I-ajsâd, for example the universe of

bodies, the actual world or physical world; 'âlam-I-arwâh, for example

the universe of spirits, the otherworldly world; and 'âlam-I-mithâl, for example the

world between the otherworldly and the actual universes. "'Âlam-imithâl" is certainly not a universe of presence. It is a universe of appearance.

Each presence in the other two universes has an appearance in

'âlam-I-mithâl.[1] 'Âlam-I-arwâh (the universe of spirits) comprises of

creatures past the 'Arsh, (for example the 10th paradise). They are not

material creatures. Their reality is likewise called 'âlam-I-amr. 'Âlam-iajsâd is the universe of material creatures. It is additionally called 'âlam-I-khalq.

It comprises of two sections. Humankind is called 'âlam-I-saghîr.

Everything other than humankind is called 'âlam-I-kebîr.

All that which exists in the 'âlam-I-kebîr has a portrayal

or on the other hand similarity in humanity ('âlam-I-saghîr). Man's otherworldly heart is a

entryway to the universe of spirits. This entryway is closed off, demolished

in the hearts of skeptics. Therefore, skeptics are not

mindful of the universe of spirits. The main chance, the as it were

solution for the profound heart to acquire life, all together

for it to make its way for the universe of spirits is through accepting

furthermore, turning into a Muslim. A Devotee ought to endeavor hard to enter

the universe of spirits through this door of the profound heart and

from there on gain ground towards endlessness. The complete

information on Sufism (Tasawwuf), which is one of the fundamental eight

parts of Islam's lessons, disciplines in this sort of

attempt. The experts of this part of information are called

companions (Walî) of Allah and enlightener (Murshid). The most

well known among all "Murshids" is Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad Fârûqî

'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ'. He died in India in 1034 Hijrî,

1624 A.D.

Impractical for a reasonable individual examinations in clinical

also, logical colleges to notice the sensitive craftsmanship and equilibrium

in the animals and sees and comprehends their sensitive

connections to one another, not to trust the significance,

information, and force of Allâhu ta'âlâ. An individual who doesn't

[1] Kindly see the 6th section of the third fascicle of Perpetual Ecstasy for

definite data on these three universes, and furthermore the thirty-6th

part of the primary fascicle for 'âlam-I-mithâl.

trust in the wake of noticing and seeing these should be

either an unusual, retrogressive, uninformed and obstinate numbskull

seeking after his erotic cravings, or an individual oppressed by his nafs, or

a savage despot getting joy from torturing others.

Assuming one investigations biographies of skeptics, obviously they

have a place with one of these categories.]

Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam' states in a hadîth-isherîf: "Have faith in Allâhu ta'âlâ by mulling over the request

among the made creatures." It will set an individual's conviction (îmân)

to concentrate on stargazing and subsequently to observe the efficient request in

the developments of the earth, the moon, the sun and the wide range of various

grand bodies, in their turns and transformations, and in the

sensitive estimations in their good ways from each other. There

are diverse advantages and uses in the making of mountains,

metals, streams, oceans, creatures, vegetation, and even microorganisms. None

of them were made for a pointless reason. Mists, downpour,

easing up, thunderclap, underground waters, energy materials

furthermore, air, to put it plainly, all made creatures carry out specific roles and

administrations. Humankind, up until this point, has had the option to see very little

about these endless number of administrations delivered by these

endless creatures. Is it ever workable for mind, which isn't

fit for figuring out the animals, to appreciate the

Maker? Islamic researchers who recognized His significance and

Credits were baffled and expressed that they understood that it is

impractical to figure out Him. One of the Adherents of Mûsâ

(Moses) 'alaihis-salâm' appealed to God for a long time. The shadow of an

overhanging cloud was safeguarding him against the sun. At some point

the cloud didn't appear, with the goal that he needed to remain under the sun.

At the point when he asked his mom what the explanation could be, that's what she said

he most likely dedicated a transgression. At the point when he said that he had not

serious any transgressions, his mom asked, "Didn't you take a gander at the

skies, or at blossoms? At the point when you saw them, didn't you consider the

significance of the Maker?" "I took a gander at them," he answered, "however

I was neglectful occupied with considering." There upon she said,

"Is there some other sin greater than this? Make tawba immediately."

A reasonable individual shouldn't disregard the obligation of considering.

Is there any individual who has any surety that he won't pass on

tomorrow? Allâhu ta'âlâ made nothing with practically no utilization.

The purposes what men have so far had the option to perceive are by a long shot

more various than those which they have not. Considering can be

done in four ways, as per (Islamic) researchers. Contemplating

about the delightful crafts of Allâhu ta'âlâ which manifest on human

creatures makes one trust Him and love Him. Contemplating about

the prizes guaranteed by Him for the adores makes one

play out those adores. Contemplating about the disciplines

informed by Him makes one fear Him and in this manner

hinders one from violating others. Contemplating around one's having

subjugated oneself to one's nafs and committing sins and living in a

condition of lack of consideration no matter what every one of the endowments presented by

Him makes one have disgrace towards Allâhu ta'âlâ. Allâhu

ta'âlâ loves the people who notice the earthbound and divine

animals and take examples from them. It is expressed as continues in a

hadîth-I-sherîf: "No other demonstration of love is so significant as

contemplation." And another hadîth-I-sherîf peruses: "A transitory

contemplation is more valuable than sixty years' love." The book

Kimyâ-I-sa'âdat, in Persian, by Imâm Ghazâlî 'rahimahullâhu

ta'âlâ' contains an extended talk on tafakkur (reflection,



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