"Taswîf" is deferment of carrying out beneficial things. It is
"musâra'at" to move quickly in carrying out demonstrations of love and devout things.
It is expressed in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "Perform contrition 'tawba'
before you bite the dust. Act rapidly while carrying out beneficial things before an
check ascends to impede execution of those great deeds.
Recollect Allâhu ta'âlâ much. Act rapidly in giving 'zakât' and
contributions. You will get food 'rizq' and help from your Ruler
by doing these." And "Know the worth of five things before five
things show up: worth of life before death; worth of wellbeing previously
sickness; benefit of acquiring âkhirat on the planet; worth of youth
prior to advanced age; and worth of abundance before destitution." An individual
who doesn't notice the compulsory almsgiving (zakât) and does
not spend his abundance in that frame of mind of Allâhu ta'âlâ will be extremely grieved
after losing his riches. Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam'
states in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "One who does 'taswîf' will die."
[Imâm ar-Rabbânî 'rahmatullâhi 'aleyh' went into the latrine
at some point and, after a brief time, thumped on the entryway of the latrine
to call the worker. The worker ran, imagining that the extraordinary researcher
probably failed to remember the water or the piece of material he was to utilize
for tahârat (cleaning himself) in the latrine. Imâm ar-Rabbânî
opened the entryway a smidgen and gave his shirt to the worker
with the bearing: "Convey this shirt to this and that as a gift." The
worker bewilderingly inquired, "Gracious my lord! Mightn't you also
provide this request after you escape the latrine? For what reason do you put
yourself into this much difficulty?" The "Imâm" answered, "Giving
my shirt to that destitute individual as a gift entered my thoughts in the latrine.
I was anxious about the possibility that that assuming I made 'taswîf' until I escaped the latrine, the
fiend would likely give me an insidious idea 'waswasa' so that
I would quit any pretense of doing that devout deed."]
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