Common Aspirations
Common Aspirations (TÛL-I AMAL)
The another of the diseases of the heart is common desires
(tûl-I amal). An individual with this sickness in his heart needs and
wants a long life so he might determine every one of the delights, delights and
satisfactions. Wanting a long life to perform
loves isn't considered as a common desire. The people who
have common desires won't play out their reveres inside
their endorsed times. They won't make tawba.[1] Their hearts
are invulnerable. They don't recollect passing. Teaching and
counsel won't affect them. The accompanying hadîth-isherîfs impart: "Recollect frequently the things that will put
a finish to joys," and "Assuming creatures understood what you know about
the happenings of eternal life, you wouldn't see as any very much took care of
creature," and "Any individual who recollects passing continually day and
night will go with saints Upon the arrival of Social occasion
'Qiyâmat'." An individual who has common desires (tûl-I amal)
continuously considers how to get common belongings and positions and
squanders his life to get them. He disregards the following scene
furthermore, engrosses himself with delights and satisfactions. Endeavoring
to bring in sufficient cash to acquire food stuffs which are important
to help one's relatives for a length of one year isn't
considered as "tûl-I amal". This one year's food is called
"hawâyij-I 'asliyya" and is considered among the things that are
important to help life. Subsequently, it is excluded from the
estimation of "nisâb" for required almsgiving. Anybody having
just this much cash isn't viewed as rich. A lone wolf who
doesn't have this much cash might store 40 days' food stuff.
Putting away more than this sum makes him lose his trust
(tawakkul) in Allâhu ta'âlâ. The accompanying hadîth-I-sherîfs
convey: "The best among the individuals is the person who
carries on with a long life and performs great deeds," and "just plain horrible
among the individuals is the person who carries on with a long life and
performs abhorrent deeds," and "Don't wish or request to pass on.
Disciplines in the grave are extremely serious. Carrying on with a long existence
spent in submission to Islam's orders is an extraordinary fortune." and
"The hair of an individual, which becomes white while the
proprietor of that hair ages in the method of Islam, will be nûr (light) on
the Day of Social affair 'Qiyâmat'."
Reasons for common aspirations are love and connection to
common joys and relinquishment of the possibility of death and
a shallow confidence in youth and wellbeing. One ought to kill
these causes to dispose of common aspirations. Demise could come
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[1] To make tawba means to atone for your sin(s), to be settled not to
sin once more, and to ask Allâhu ta'âlâ for pardoning. Despite the fact that there is
not an endorsed way of tawba, Islamic researchers suggest a
certain request which, they say, will serve both as a summon for
pardoning and as an insurance against common debacles and
setbacks. The request is: "Estaghfirullah al-'azîm al-lazî lâ ilâha il-lâ
huwa-l-hayya-l-qayyûm wa atûbu ilayh."
any second and wellbeing or youth can't stop the approaching
demise. As per measurements the quantity of passings among youthful
individuals is more noteworthy than that among more established ones. It is an incessant
occasion that many feeble individuals recuperate while numerous a sound
individual passes on out of nowhere with not a really obvious explanation. One ought to
find out about the terrible impacts of having common desires and
advantages of recognition of death. Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi
wa sal-lam' states in a hadîth-I-sherîf: "Recollect passing frequently!
Recognition of death keeps you away from erring and furthermore
keeps you away from doing those activities which would be destructive
for the post-existence." One of the Sahâba, Bara' receptacle Âzib 'radiyAllâhu ta'âlâ 'anh' said, "We conveyed a dead individual's body to the
burial ground. Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam' plunked somewhere near
the grave and began to sob and tears began to drop on the dirt.
Then, at that point, he said, 'Goodness my siblings! Every one of you ought to prepare for
this.' " Umar canister Abdulazîz 'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ', after seeing a
researcher, requested guidance. The researcher said, "You are Caliph now.
Subsequently, you can arrange others at the same time, soon you will pass on!" Caliph
Abdulazîz asked him for more guidance. The researcher then said, "All
of your predecessors, starting from the principal man and prophet, Adam 'alaihissalâm', tasted passing. Presently it is your move." Caliph sobbed for a long
time. The accompanying hadîth-I-sherîfs convey, "As a minister
for humankind, demise, alone, would be adequate. What's more, for an individual
who tries to riches, faith in qadâ and qadar would be
adequate;" and "The most brilliant among the individuals is the one
who recollects passing regularly. An individual who recollects
passing frequently will be fair in this world and have positions in the
next life;" and "One ought to be embarrassed about Allâhu ta'âlâ. One
shouldn't burn through one's time storing things that will be left to
others. One shouldn't endeavor to acquire things that are unrealistic
for one to get. One shouldn't squander one's life building
additional structures past one's requirements," and "One shouldn't assemble
one's home with development materials which are acquired by
ways that are harâm (prohibited by Islam). To do so means to
annihilate your confidence as well as your common life." When Rasûlullah
'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sal-lam' heard that his adored buddy
Usâma canister Zayd 'radiy-Allâhu ta'âlâ 'anhumâ' purchased a slave for
100 gold and will pay for it thirty days after the fact, he said,
"Doesn't that unexpected you? Usâma has turned into a man of 'tûl-I
amal'." It is passable to buy one's life necessities by
credit. In another hadîth-I-sherîf Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi
wa sal-lam' said, "Anybody who needs to enter Heaven ought to
not have common aspirations. His busying himself with common
occupations and organizations shouldn't cause him to disregard
passing. (The presence of) Allâhu ta'âlâ ought to disgrace him out of
committing harâms (acts which Islam disallows)." It is illegal
for one to want a long existence determined to encounter
illegal joys. Despite the fact that it isn't illegal to have
common desires "tûl-I amal" to partake in the allowable
joys of life, still, it's anything but a decent yearning. One shouldn't
want to carry on with a long life yet rather ought to want a sound and
blissful life.
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