Faith IN ALLAH

Presentation: The Significance of this Standard

The primary rule of 'aqeedah is faith in Allah. This is the most

significant standard of conviction and action, and it is the point of convergence of

Islam and the pith ofthe Qur'an. We wouldn't overstate if

we said that the entire ofthe Qur'an talks about this belief, on the grounds that

the Qur'an either talks direct1y about Allah , and His Essence,

Names,At仕ibutesand actions, as in Aayaat al-Kursi and Soorah alIkhlaas.

Or then again it calls humanity to revere Him Alone, with no p訂 阻eror

associate, and to surrender the love of misleading gods・allof which h部

to do with telling about Allah, requiring the satisfaction of our obligations

toward Him and prohibiting the bearing of love to any other individual.

Or on the other hand it orders us to comply with Him and disallows us to defy Him,

which are the real commitments.

BeliそfinAllah 111

Or on the other hand it lets us know ab'Out the pe'Ople 'Of confidence and the h'On'Our that was

best'Owed up'On them in this w'Orld, and h'Ow they are compensated in the

From this point forward. This is the prize 'Of the pe'Ople wh'O trust in Allah.

Or on the other hand it lets us know ab'Out the初 afireen-doubters - and h'Ow Allah

embarrasses them in this w'Orld, and what He will d'O t'O them in the

Hereafter, in the ab'Ode 'Of discipline. This is the discipline f'Or

turning away企ombelief.

S'O the whole Qur'an speaks ab'Out beliefin Allah. This makes sense of why

we observe that Allah is menti'Oned in the Qur'an, by 'One 'Or an'Other 'Of

His Names and At仕ibutes,10,062 times; 'On each page 'Of the

Qur'an, He is menti'Oned multiple times 'by and large.

We can say that confidence in Allah, in relati'On t'O the wide range of various 'standards

furthermore, min'Or m釧 ers'Of白i血 islike the ro'Ot 'Of a tree in relati'On t'O its

佐山lkand branches. It is the premise 'Of any remaining 'principles, the

f'Oundati'On 'Of the religi'On. The m'Ore a pers'On has confidence in Allah, the

m'Ore he is pr'Ogressing in Islam.

Issues of Confidence in AUah

百leissues 'Of this t'Opic which the specialist should analyze and

talk about are as f'Ol'Ows:

Right off the bat: He should analyze the proof that Allah exists, and

refute出especlOUS訂思lmentsthat have been raised in由isrespect.

Sec'Ondly: He should kn'Ow ab'Out Allah , which is accomplished in tw'O

courses in the Qur'an:

1) Understanding the w'Onders in creati'On which p'Oint t'O the

significance 'Of Allah's p'Ower and the perfecti'On 'Of His creati'On.

2) Considering the aayaat (sections) 'Ofthe Qur'an which talk straightforwardly 'Of

Allah, His essence, His Names, His at仕ibutesand His acti'Ons.

Thirdly: He should affmn that Allah alone is the main one to be

worshipped, with no accomplice or associate, and reject anything more that

is revered rather than Him.

Fourthly: He ought to take a gander at the historical backdrop of faith in Holiness and

analyze what has been said on this theme.


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