'anoffers the doubters and deniers confirmation which levelheaded

minds have no choice except for to assert and which no sound brain can

perhaps reject. Allah , says:

120 Proof ofthe Presence ofthe Creα'tor

~Is it safe to say that they were made by nothing? Or on the other hand were them

the makers? Or on the other hand did they make the sky and the

earth? Nay, however they have no firm Conviction.)

(Qur 'a 52: 35-36)


The Qur'an shares with them:"You exist, and you can't deny this";也e

sky and the earth exist, without question. It is essentially normal

sense, to the objective mind,出atthe things which exist should have a

cause for their reality. The camel herder in the desert knows this.

Hesays,"Camel manure shows the presence of a camel and strides

demonstrate that somebody strolled here. So the sky with their st町 S

also, the earth with its mountains and valleys should show the

exist四 lceofthe All-Knowing, All-Mindful." The incredible researchers who

examination into life and living creatures additionally know this.

What is refeπed to in this aayah (stanza) is referred to the researchers as

the law of cause and effect.百lIslaw states出ata (conceivable) thing

can't occur by itselfwithout something else (causing it), in light of the fact that it

doesn't have in itself the ability to exist by itself, and it can't by

itself cause another thing to exist, for it can't provide for others that

which it doesn't itself have.


Allow Us To give a Guide to E玄plainThis Regulation All the more Plainly

A couple ye訂 sago, the sands in the Rub'al・Khaalidesert (the Void

Quarter) were floored by a windstorm to reveal血eruins of a

city that had been covered by the sands. Researchers started to inspect

the items in the city to仕Yto decide the period wherein it had

been fabricated. No one among the archeologists or others even

recommended that this city might have showed up because of the regular

activities of the wind, rain, heat and cold, and not by the activities of


Assuming that anybody had proposed such a血ing,people would have respected

him cr招 yand would have shown compassion for him. So what about if

Beliefin A/l,αh 121

somebody had said that this city was shaped by the air仕omnothing in

the far off past, then it chose the earth? This idea is no

less weird than the previous, truth be told it is白rstranger.

Why? Since nothing can't make something, which is essentially the

ma枕erof normal sense, and a thing can't make itsel王

As per the manner in which we know the ci守"there must be somebody who

brought it into reality. Everything we see says to us something about the

individuals who made it. The city probably been made by wise

individuals who were ski11ed in development and arranging.

In the event that we see an individual going合omthe lower part of a structure to the top, we

see nothing bizarre in that, on the grounds that an individual can do that.

In any case, assuming that we see that a stone which was in the patio of the structure

has moved to the highest point of the bui1ding, we wi11 be sure that it didn't

move without anyone else. There must have been somebody who got it and

moved it, on the grounds that a stone doesn't can move or c1imb.

It is unusual that individuals are sure that the city could never have come

into reality without a creator, and that it could never have constructed itself,

also, they are sure that the stone absolute requirement had somebody who might

take it up to the highest point of the building, yet there are those among them

who demand that this universe c創 neinto being without a creator, even

however the struc佃reof the universe is白rmore complex.


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