The book Riyâd-un-nâsikhîn written in Persian about the value of knowledge and scholar [This book
was written in Persian by Muhammad Rabhami in 835 Hijrî. It
was distributed in 1313 Hijrî in Bombay. It was reproduced for a
second time by Hakîkat Kitâbevi of Istanbul in 1994.] states the
following beginning at page 356: The hadîth which is written in the
book Mirsad-ul-ibad minal-mabda-I ilal-ma'ad [The writer of
this book Najmaddîn Abû Bakr Râzî died in 654 Hijrî.]
states, "An individual who learns strict information with the
goal of getting appreciation of the researchers or with the
goal of contending with the uninformed and becoming popular will
not even get the smell of Heaven." It is perceived from this
hadîth that an individual who learns strict information for
acquiring riches or positions or fulfilling his brutal longings and
doesn't rehearse his insight, is definitely not an Islamic researcher ('âlim).
Another hadîth states: "An individual who learns for getting
common belongings will assemble those common belongings yet his
acquire in the Âkhirat will be the fire of Agony." This sort of
information won't help anybody. Staying away from this is essential
kind of information. Consequently the accompanying hadîth states,
"O my Rabb! If it's not too much trouble, safeguard me from the futile information."
The information which must be advanced by a Muslim is called
"Islamic Information." Islamic information is partitioned into two
segments, "Strict information" and "Logical information".
Futile information is likewise partitioned into two segments. The first
is strict information scholarly by the aforementioned individuals, who are
said to get lost. The subsequent kind is logical information which
isn't related with strict information. [The Antiquated
Romans' tormenting the Jews by tossing them to the lions, the
Christians' brutal assaults against the Muslims in Palestine
during the Medieval times, mass killing of individuals in Europe by
Hitler and in Asia by Russian and Chinese socialists, and
English assaults on individuals by misleading countries and making them
battle with each other, were undeniably achieved by utilizing this
second kind of logical knowledge.] Allâhu ta'âlâ says that these
immense individuals who are adversaries of mankind however progressed in
logical information look like jackasses. He explicitly says,
"They are like jackasses loaded down with Taurah and New Tastement."
These brutal individuals who have logical information and who are
uninformed about Islamic information are not in the correct way. Allâhu
ta'âlâ isn't satisfied with them. The book Kunûz-ud-deqâiq
incudes the hadîth, "The best among you are the ones who learn
what's more, show Qur'ân." Mishkât quotes a hadîth-I-sherîf which states,
"Each Muslim man and lady should learn Islamic information."
The information alluded by this hadîth is the information which
Allâhu ta'âlâ loves and endorses. Helping information to individuals
who won't deal with it with care resembles putting brilliant chains
around pigs' necks. [ The accompanying hadîth-I-sherîf was cited on
a schedule sheet dated June 12, 1995 distributed by Türkiye
Paper, "Genuine strict information will be intriguing towards the
season of Qiyâmat. Uninformed strict men will give fatwa
as per their own perspectives and prompt individuals to digress from
the right path about the value of knowledge and scholar ."] In another hadîth, Rasûlullah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihiwa sal-lam' said, "A period will come when individuals will take off
from strict men in similar way as they would take off
from a dead jackass." Their state educates us that the states regarding
people will be bad and revolting. For, Allâhu ta'âlâ values
information. Yet, those nitwits who love the world didn't go to
school in their young life; nor subsequent to arriving at adulthood did they
achieve the gift of going to the sohbat of a genuine Islamic
researcher. Subsequently, very ignorant about the risky position they
are in, they don't secure the important information and they do
not read and gain from a genuine strict researcher's book. Their
just concern is storing cash and property and get a position.
It doesn't matter at all to them whether they acquire from passable (halâl) or
not admissible (harâm) ways. They don't perceive and
recognize the good and bad. They don't appreciate
the worth of information and genuine strict researchers. Genuine strict
researchers' works and preachings have no worth in seeing
these individuals. In seeing these individuals books and preachings
of genuine strict researchers are like an individual who sells
scents in the market where they sell creatures or to an individual
who offers mirrors to dazzle individuals. Or on the other hand it resembles perusing the Tâhâ
Sûrah of the Qur'ân to Abû Lahab or filling the pockets of road
vagabonds with pearls and valuable stones or giving kohl to a visually impaired
individual by a shrewd man; yet a savvy man could never do any of
these activities. Allâhu ta'âlâ depicts these kind of individuals as
follows: "They are like creatures. They are lower than, truth be told
creatures." It is expressed as continues in a hadîth-I-sherîf provided details regarding
the power of Enes canister Mâlik 'radiy-Allâhu ta'âlâ 'anh':
"Allâhu ta'âlâ will shame an individual in the general public on the off chance that he affronts a
researcher with practically no legitimate explanation. An individual who regards
researchers will be respected and held high like prophets by Allâhu
ta'âlâ." Another hadîth-I-sherîf peruses as follows: "If an individual
chatting with a researcher raises his voice higher than the researcher's
voice Allâhu ta'âlâ will shame him in this world and in the following.
In the event that he feels sorry and apologizes, he will be pardoned." It is
clear from the previous that it is important to be conscious
toward genuine researchers.
A sonnet:
You were made from a drop of water, remember!
Never hold yourself equivalent with researchers!
Pay attention to what requested Mustafâ!
Regarding researchers is regarding me!
Know well that main information and researchers will save human
creatures from straying to wrong ways. Without an aide (rahbar)
one can never track down the genuine way. Thus it is vital
to track down obvious Ahl as-sunnat researchers and afterward read right
strict books writtten by them. It is written in the "Kahf" Sûra
of the Qur'ân that despite the fact that the incredible prophet Moses (Mûsâ)
'alaihis-salâm' was in the most extensive level of information, to such an extent
so he communed with Allâhu ta'âlâ and drank from the
sherbet of adoration for Allâhu ta'âlâ, he actually joined Yusha 'alaihissalâm' who was an understudy of Hizir 'alaihis-salâm' to
gain information from him. Likewise, Moses (Mûsâ) 'alaihis-salâm'
notwithstanding being an expert of rationale, actually went to gain from Hizir
'alaihis-salâm'. This is accounted for finally in the book of exposition
(Tafsîr) composed by Bukhârî 'rahimahullâhu ta'âlâ'. O my
sibling! Did you find something more valuable than information
what's more, researchers so you are going through your time on earth away with it.
Don't you realize that our religion orders us to offer appreciation to
information and researchers and participate in the positions of the people who are in
the method of Allâhu ta'âlâ. Hence, don't consume your time on earth
away with superfluous things. A hadîth-I-sherîf peruses as follows:
"There is one level of contrast between a prophet and a
researcher who possessess right information and acts as per
that information. This one degree is the level of prophethood."
One ought to endeavor to learn information to accomplish this